Sabrina Sasser
Sabrina has been teaching flute for 26 years to students of all ages and learning levels, and has taught beginning piano and guitar, chorus, voice, and preschool and baby music and movement classes in various homeschool settings over the last 15 years. She attended Governor’s School for the Arts, where she toured Europe twice with GSA, and was a part of the Flute Choir, the GSA Symphony Orchestra, and dozens of pit orchestras for GSA theater, ballet and opera productions. She also sang in the Varsity Chorus and the Chamber Singers. She graduated from GSA at the top of her class.
She attended and graduated from James Madison University with a Bachelor of Arts in Media Arts and Design with minors in Graphic Design and Music Industry. While at JMU, she interned with internationally renowned recording artists “Everything”, and worked as an intern at live music venues, learning the ins and outs of live music production, including sound and lights, artist contracts and riders, the legal aspects of the music industry, and studio recording/sound engineering.
She is licensed in Kindermusik, and worked for the Virginia Children’s Chorus as chorus manager until devoting all of her time to homeschooling her two children. In addition to teaching music, Sabrina has participated in various chorus and choirs over the years, played flute in several chamber ensembles and rock bands, played guitar and sang in a bluegrass band, and has done studio work for several rock and electronic music producers.
She loves playing guitar on her front porch, writing songs that maybe no one will ever hear, and soaking up as much music as she possibly can in every moment of her life. Her children have come to know music as a way of life, with the house being filled with all sorts of instruments and a ‘Hands ON, Please Touch!” policy. Her family has been actively involved with RSA since her oldest (now an RSA graduate) was three. RSA is so important and integral to the family that they still commute twice a week, despite having moved to Richmond two years ago!
Sabrina believes that music and art are just as essential to learning and growing as reading and math, and she loves the challenge and excitement of instilling a life-long love of music and art in young people.